Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Music-status in islam

May The Lord Bless Us All !

Asalamualaikum, brothers and sisters. Welcome Back. This is a separate page dedicated to the concept of MUSIC in islam, One of the most Challenging Topic to discuss. We will discuss this in the light of Holy Qura’an and Hadith and I hope Insha Allah  the readers will be convinced after reading this and all sorts of doubts will be cleared with HIS mighty grace. May Allah Guide Us In The Right Path. Amen

Yesterday, I did a kind of experiment involving the effect of music on our mind. I got a bollywood song from my friend and I listened to it. While listening I felt like lost in this material world. I felt as if my soul was capsized by temptation and passion. A kind of Romantic feeling sprouted in me and I came close to this earthly pleasures and Thus Satan engulfed me.
After some time I came in my senses and repented before The Forgiving Allah and restored my inner peace.

So this was my experience. Lets say what my Friends Say about the the status of Music in their Life. 

Ø  “MUSIC is an inspiration for my dancing and helps me to relax.
Ø  “MUSIC is enjoyment + Time Pass.
Ø  “MUSIC is a source of freshness for me.
Ø  “MUSIC for me is Peace of mind, door to infinite possibilities.
Ø  A way to forget all my problems and just sway to the beats of the MUSIC.”  
Ø  “MUSIC for me is a path to temporary unconsciousness with soothing effect.  
Ø  “MUSIC for me is Peace of mind, door to infinite possibilities.
Ø  “MUSIC is something that soothes my mind from any damn worry.
Ø  “MUSIC is a part of my life.
Ø  “MUSIC is time pass.

So what can we conclude from the above statements is that MUSIC has made its place in every heart and has become a source of enjoyment, rejoice and freshness. But, the question is “IS MUSIC PROHIBITED IN ISLAM OR NOT?”. Our religion has an exceptionally good view in any case, in discovering the hidden dangers which might be inherent in the sweetest and most pleasurable things. So, let the GAME begin……

Firstly, music is a useless thing and the benefit and pleasure taken from music involves a meaning of deep slavery in passion.
We have also seen many artists whom we most of the times consider as our idols. You should not take seriously the applause and respect and perhaps requests given to the famous of these kinds of artists. Those who pay respects and make requests do not mind doing so, since they do it, in a way, taking away a crumb of honor from the artist, by hiding this loss from him. Likewise, a lot of respect is usually paid to some ladies in order to take sexual advantage of them.
From such an entertainment point of view, it shows a quite strange mentality of some parents who are proud of having taught their daughters how to play an instrument. It is also strange to see some people wishing to marry a girl with musical training, in an attempt to imitate Western civilization which, they think, gives the
utmost importance to the respect of woman.

During listening to MUSIC, people do no good for the humanity. They blindly make their pockets flow. And, in return for the money, what do these people get? Nothing! Consider this: Suppose a shoemaker sells you a shoe. And you wear it and walk to your shop. Let us say you sell books in your shop. You both make a profit and help knowledge and science spread in your country. This way you would serve in a chain of benefits in the society by making other people too to benefit, such as those who print or write books, and the manufacturers of paper or the cotton farmers and on the other hand, there are the craftsmen who process leather for shoes and the farmers who raise animals to provide leather. When it comes to MUSIC, although those who manufacture instruments and those who offer their skills for your hearing appreciation, by playing them certainly benefit, this chain of benefits ceases at you!( example taken from Islamnewsroom)

Now lets talk about the effects of MUSIC. As discussed earlier it plays with our mind and a sense of unconsciousness prevails in us. MUSIC can effect us in many ways: with music, a lonely person feels his loneliness more, an orphan feels more the loss of his parents, a patient feels more sorrowful of his situation, and an aged person feels sorrier that the most of his life has already gone. Yet again, with music, a lucky person with wealth and a high ranking position feels happy more than he usually is. In short, music paints the reality in darker colors by increasing the sorrow of the sorrowful and the happiness of the happy. And this way, the effect of music resembles that of alcohol, causing people to perceive the reality in a more stretched way than it really is. Above all of these, music has a tremendous effect in agitating the feelings of romance and love. That is why a banquet with music is usually accompanied with pretty women and alcoholic beverages. Therefore, the most intimate secrets of love are exposed first by poems, then, under the disguise of music, in a similar manner to some women making themselves more attractive under the disguise of the hijab. Or, the words that cannot be normally said by lovers can be uttered by means of music and poetry. That is why it is not considered rude, if a person who is too shy to say "I'm dying for her, I'm crazy for her" shouts the same words before others by music and poetry. Furthermore, I wonder how parents who would like to raise their daughters in modesty with wisdom allow them to sing the most intimate words of love, considering this a good quality for a girl despite the fact that it is shameful. Hah, what has MUSIC turned us into: immodest and shameful creatures. Although we haven’t touched references from the holy scriptures yet, it is quite understood what the concept of MUSIC is in our Glorious religion. Despite this I pass everyday by our so called Moulvis singing such nonsense things. I am not criticizing them, infact they are better than me, but the thing is that they have some responsibilities towards the religion.

Moreover, Muslims are aware that nothing has been prohibited by Allah except that which is harmful to the welfare of a individual and the society as a whole. The divine attribute behind the prohibition of music can be comprehended by looking into the diverse influence music can have as discussed above . 
Experiments carried out by doctors and professors have confirmed that the music of today is such that it does not only affect the brain, but also effects each and every organ of  the body. There is a close relationship between music and bodily movements. We find that people listening to music automatically start tapping their fingers and feet, as if the music is permeating in their blood. 
It is also proved that music affect`s one`s emotions, increases arousal in terms of alertness and excitement and also leads to various physiological changes in the person. In a psychology experiment, it was found that listening to moderate type of music increased one`s normal heart beat, whilst listening to rock music the heart beat increased even further, yet people claim that music has no effect. 
It is a very ignorant and misguided attitude to percieve music as a form of pleasure and passing of time, since the messages of today`s music follow a general theme of love, fornication, drugs and freedom.
Now lets take references from our Holy scriptures, The Qur’an and Hadith…

Verses Claimed To Indicate the Legality of Music

First Verse:

“And verily, We did favor some of the prophets over others, and to Dawood We gave the Psalms.” (4:163)
It is a common misconception of certain Muslims, especially those having a western background or living in the west-that Dawood (peace be upon him) composed the Psalms and sang them to the accompaniment of music.
There are even some commentators of English translations of the Qur’an who fall prey to the same error. For example, Abdullah Yusuf Ali comments on this verse saying, “The spiritual gifts, with which the prophets came, may themselves, take different forms according to the needs of the world and the times in which they lived, as judged by the wisdom of God. A striking example here given is the gift of song and music as given to David…
The fact is that the Psalms were not composed by Prophet Dawood (David), peace be upon him, but rather were revealed to him by Allah, the exalted, as is clearly stated in the Qur’an. Additionally - now where in the Qur’an or in the authentic traditions is there any support for this accompanying the Psalms with musical instruments?
In order to properly understand the true nature of the Psalms (az-Zaboor), one must look to some of the dependable Quranic commentaries (tafaseer). Ibn Kathir (Allah’s mercy be upon him), explains the meaning of the term Az-Zaboor saying: “Az-Zaboor is the name of the book revealed by Allah to Dawood (David), peace be upon him.
Al-Aloosi further confirms this saying, “Az-Zaboor is the name of the book sent down to Dawood (David), peace be upon him: it was revealed to him gradually, by installments.”Al-Aloosi adds to this description that, “the Zaboor also contained divine praises and glorification of Allah, Prophet Dawood’s captivating, melodious voice was exceedingly beautiful and effective. Whenever he recited the Zaboor, men, jinn, birds and wild animals gathered around him.”

Second Verse:

Some ignorant people claim that the following text regarding Prophet Ayoub (Job), peace be upon him, whom Allah tested with various trials and tribulations, permits music and dancing:
Allah, the exalted and mighty, commands his messenger, Muhammad, peace be upon him, in the Quran:
“And recall Our servant, Ayoub (Job), when he cried unto his Lord, ‘Verily, Satan has afflicted me with distress and suffering.’ It was said unto him, ‘Strike the ground with your foot; here is a spring for a cool bath and water to drink.” (38:41-42)
In these verses Allah, the glorious and exalted, directs His Prophet, Ayoub (Job), peace be upon him, to strike his foot upon the ground, whereupon a spring came forth. He bathed in its cool, soothing water which healed the disease afflicting the outer surface of his body. He also drank from the spring which removed the illness that afflicted his innermost body.
Regarding this verse, Al-Qurtubi mentions in his tafsir that certain ignorant ascetics and common Sufis have sought proof for the permissibility of dancing in Allah’s Saying to Ayoub , Strike the ground with your foot accompaniment of certain ritual formulas (adhkaar) and musical instruments a form of worship (ibadah) which brings one closer to Allah. Of course, such things are none other than bidah (blameworthy innovations and misguidance in deen). He relates the reply of some scholars to such baseless claims.
Ibn Aqeel gives a further rebuttal by questioning, “How is the proof of the legality of dancing deduced from the simple fact that an afflicted person is ordered as a means of miraculous healing to strike the earth with his foot in order to cause water to spring forth?” (if this were so, then), “It would also be right to interpret Allah’s saying to Musa, “Strike the stone with your staff” as a proof for the legality of striking (rhythmically) upon (stuffed) cushions with sticks! We seek refuge in Allah from such fraudulent playing with the Shariah.”
Obviously, one could make endless far-fetched analogies between certain verses of the Quran and various, false preconceived notions which one might hope to substantiate. May Allah protect us from such evil manipulation of the divinely-revealed law.

Quranic Verses in Favour of prohibition of Music:

The First Verse:
In Surah Luqmaan. Allah, the exalted says:

“And there are among men those who purIhase “lahwal hadeethidle talk in order to mislead others from Allah’s path without knowledge, and who throw ridicule upon it. For such there will be a humiliating punishment.”(31:6)
Interpreters of the Qur`an have defined the term `lahwal hadith` which is mentioned in the Qur`an as: 
 1) Singing and listening to songs. 
 2) Purchasing of male and female singers. 
 3) Purchase of instruments of fun and amusement. 
When Sayyidana Abdullah Ibne Mas`ood , a very close companion of our Prophet (SAW) was asked about the meaning of the term `lahwal hadith`, he replied 
“I swear by Him besides whom there is no other God,that it refers to ghinaa (singing).”
This statement, he repeated three times. This view is unanimously supported by the four Khalifas, the eminent Sahabaah, Tabi`een, the four Imaams and other reliable Islaamic scholars and authorities. 
NOTE: Music, singing, etc.(since they occupy peoples attention and distract them from Allah’s worship and remembrance and invite to His disobedience), no doubt fall under the general censure, blame and rebuke cast upon those who fall into this category.
However, this verse is not itself an explicit, unequivocal proof for the prohibition of music, singing, etc. Rather, its prohibition is conditional and incidental as stated above.

The Second Verse 

Another verse alleged to be proof of the illegality of music, singing, etc. is mentioned in Surah Al-Israa (chapter 17) as follows:
After Iblees (Satan) refuses to bow before Adam as ordered, he requests that Allah grant him respite until the day of resurrection, so that he may misguide all but a few of the descendants of Adam (peace be upon him).                                                   Allah, the Glorious and exalted, addresses Satan thus,
“And excite any of them whom you can with your voice. Assault them with your cavalry and infantry, be a partner with them in their wealth and children, and make them promises. But Satan promises them nothing except deceit.”
It is related that some of the commentators from the generation of the taabieen, such as Mujahid and Dahhaak interpreted Satan’s exciting mankind with his voice to mean through the use of music, song and amusement.
Ad-Dahhaak said it was the sound of wind instruments.
However, according to Ibn Abbas, the voice mentioned in the verse refers to every form of invitation which calls to disobedience to Allah, the Exalted.
After mentioning the various interpretations of the commentators, At-Tabari says, “The most correct of these views expresses that verily, Allah, the blessed and Exalted, said to Iblees, “Excite whosoever of Adam's progeny you can with your voice” and he did not specify any particular type of voice.
Thus, every voice which is not an invitation to Allah’s worship and to his obedience is included in the meaning of Satan’s 'voice which is referred to in the Quranic verse.
In conclusion, this verse, like the preceding one, is too general in its meaning , and is not by itself an explicit and unequivocal proof of the prohibition of music and singing , except in the case that such singing and music invites or leads to disobedience to Allah.
As earlier described this is a very complex issue and requires additional source to make the concept clear, This source is none other than the authentic sunnah Allah’s Messenger, peace be upon him.

References from Hadeeth:

The Prophet, peace be upon him said,
“There will be (at some future time) people from my ummah (community of Muslims) who will seek to make lawful: fornication, the wearing of silk, wine-drinking and the use of musical instruments (ma'azif). Some people will stay at the side of the mountain and when their shepherd comes in the evening to ask them for his needs, they will say, 'Return to us tomorrow ‘Then Allah will destroy them during the night by causing the mountain to fall upon them, while He changes others into apes and swine. They will remain in such a state until the Day of Resurrection.” (hadeeth #494B in Vol. 6, Sahih Al-Bukhari)

Other References:
In order to convey some of the divine wisdom behind prohibition, it is useful to quote a few excerpts from the writings of the authoritative scholar, Ibnul Qayyim, who has dealt with this subject extensively. In the section which exposes Satan’s deception of those who persist in their dancing, singing and listening to music, he says:

“From among the artful machinations and entrapments of Allah’s enemy (Satan), with which he has snared those possessing little good sense, knowledge and deen (faith), and by which he has stalked the hearts of the false and ignorant people, there is the listening to whistling, wailing, hand clapping and song to the accompaniment of forbidden (musical) instruments.
Such things block the Quran from Peoples Hearts and make them devoted to sin and disobedience. For song (to musical accompaniment) is the Quran of Ash-Shaytan (Satan). It is a dense veil and barrier, preventing nearness to Ar-Rahman! (Allah).
By way of such song, Satan deceives vain souls, making it appear pleasing to them through his cunning appeal to their vanities. He insidiously whispers false, specious arguments suggesting the 'goodness' in song. These arguments are accepted, and as a result, the Quran becomes an object of neglect and abandonment.”
 (source: islamnewsroom)

So, I think it must be clear now.

Perhaps if there are some people who still are in a dilemma and have ever increasing doubts, Here is a Hadith:
On the Authority of Al-Numan bin Basheer, who said : I heard the messenger of Allah say: That which is lawful is plain and that which is unlawful is plain and between the two of them are doubtful matters about which not many people know. Thus he who avoids doubtful matters clears himself in regard to his religion and his honor, but he who falls into doubtful matters, falls into that which is unlawful, like the shepherds who pastures around a sanctuary, all but grazing therein. Truly every king has a sanctuary, and truly Allah’s sanctuary is His prohibitions. Truly in the body there is a morsel of flesh which, if it be whole, all the body is whole and which , if it be diseased, all of it is diseased. Truly it is the heart. (Bukhari and Muslim)

May Allah Guide Us In The Right Path.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

The Final Destiny

May the lord bless us all!

Sorry guys i couldnt publish any post from the past few weeks due to many reasons.So i wouldnt like to waste any time and we shall continue our discussion.

WE have discussed many things over the last two posts ,mainly the islamic conduct. We discussed about clothing,free mixing of sexes and many other social issues. Now what we are going to talk about is of immense importance. What do we do these days?Ask youself. Running after money ,cars ,fame,fortune etc.Let me talk of things related to my age,what i have observed my pals doing is going after girls like dogs, abusing each other,doing vulgar things, falling in the trap of drug and smoking addiction and so many things that will occupy 50-100 lines.So the things i am talking about is what evry person irrespective of his gender is running after is the material world  as described in the glorious Quran as "duniya".Allah has made this world attractive to us so as to test us.But what we do is that we stick to this world from morning to evening having made a fevicol bond with it.Not even our dreams are spared.Why do people forget that they have to leave everything here even the undergarments.Don't laugh this is not a joke.This is a serious case that needs to be handled.It is Satan who tries to erase the word (death) from our minds.So beware of him.

Death has been considered as an important tool by our holy PROPHET(SALLALAHU ALAIHE WASSALAM)to counterattack the attraction of this world.It keeps our heart from rusting.If we continue to be glued to this world'then we are in a great loss. The actual life starts after death. This life is only a dream.Harun Yahya writes in his book"Matter the other name for illusion" and i quote

                     "all events and objects that we encounter in real  life-people,buildings,cities,cars,places ,in fact everything we see,hold or touch,smell,taste,hear-come into existance in visions and feelings in our own brain.We are  taught that these images and feelings are created by a solid material world outsde our brains but in reality we never see real existing materials and we never touch materials.In other words,every material entity which we believe to exist in our lives,are infact only a vision created in our brains.This is not a philosophical speculation but an emirical fact that mordern science has proved.Today any scientist who is a specialist in medicine,biology,neurology,would say when asked how and where we see the world,that it all happens in our vision center,in our brains"
So the only thing is that this world is only an illusion made by ALLAH.Death is the thing coming between this life and the hereafter and we know from the quran(3:185)that every soul shall taste death and this world is only the enjoyment of deception.Despite knowing this what are we doing?Think once.We dont know when we shall die,we dont know whether we shall see tommorow or not.Most of your might have heard about the test of the grave.We shall touch on this topic briefly now.

When the body of a person is buried in the grave two angels by the name of Munker and Nakeer,having black hair and frightening faces will cut through the walls of the grave with thier sharp and long teeth.Fire would be coming from thier eyes and will make make the deceased sit upright.They will ask him these questions in a very severe manner:"Who is your lord"?When did he remember his lord!The person who destroyed his emaan will say"i'm sorry!I don't know anything"."What is your deen"?The dead person will now start thinking that uptill now i had only thought about my lifestyle and living standard.I never thought of preparng for the test of the grave.I only indulged in the comforts of this world.He will say"i'm sorry! i'm sorry idont know anything"

Then the enlightened figure of prophet Muhammad(sallalahu allaihe wassalam) will be shown to the deceased and it will be asked"what did you say about this person muhammad (sallalahu alaihe wassalam).?The person will think how will i recognize him?I never loved the beard.I loved dressing according to the latest fashion.I know the names of actors and singers but i dont know who this person is.The UNFORTUNATE PERSON WHO DESTROYED HIS EMAAN WILL SAY "I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY! I DONT KNOW ANYTHING".The window of heavan will be opened and almost immediately ,it will close and the window of hell will be opened and it will be said to the person that"if you had answered the questions correctly the window of heaven would have been opened for you".Upon hearing this the person will be struck with awful grief and regret,his shruod willchange into the shroud of hell,the base of his grave willturn into a bed of fire and snakes and scorpions will wrap him and attack his body.

So how was it?Dear brothers and sisters repent quickly for your sins because death doesn't knock the door!Remember what the HOLY PROPHET(SALLALAHU ALLAIHE WASSALAM) SAID

What i wanna say is that temptations n attraction to this world cant be controlled completely, i think no one can do it except the pious ones called saints(sufis). Wait..i m not telling u to become sufis. The thing is that one should not always be indulged in material things n should try to supress his/her passion.

So lets conclude here with some lines from the famous nasheed LAST BREATH

                                            OH MARK THE WORDS THAT I DO SAY
                                       WHO KNOWS TOMORROW COULD BE YOUR DAY
                                             AT LAST IT COMES TO HEAVEN OR HELL  
                                               DECIDE WHICH NOW DO NOT DELAY