Monday, 20 August 2012

English Translation of 800 Years Predictions - Hazrat Naimat ullah Shah Wali R.A.


Page-9 - Family Tree of Mogal Empire (Mughal Dynasty)

1. I am telling the truth, there will be a King in this world. Taimur his name and he will be the Conqueror.
2. After Him, Meeran Shah appear in this world who will be the friend of the conqueror Taimur Shah.
3. When he passes away from this world, and then will appear the King of Humans and Jinns (Sultan Abu     Saeed Mirza)
4. After Him, Umer Sheikh will be the King and he'll be a claimer and a very Kind person.
5. After that, Umer Bin Sheikh will be the owner of this land and he'll indulge into a lot of riches and luxuries.

6. After him shall come The King Babar who will be the king of Kabul, later he will appear in Delhi as a ruler of India.
7. After Sikandar [Lodhi], till the time of Ibrahim Shah (King), Behold there will be unrest and discord in his Kingdom.
8. Then the God will appoint Humayun as the King of India but meanwhile an Afghan will appear.

9. Then God will grant kingdom to Humayun. Then will happen an incident in Humayun's life. Meanwhile an Afghan will appear. Afghan's name shall be Sher Shah. Humayun will run to the land of Iran, to the bloodline of the prophet so that they can honor humayun. The Iranian King will help Humayun so that Humayun can be honored as a King. By the time Humayun will attack India again, SherShah will be dead and his son will be ruling the land.
10. So Humayun will conquer India. Then will come Akbar as the King of the land.
11. Then Jahangir shall be the King. He will sit on the Throne like the bright sun.
12. When He will leave the world, Shah jahan, The second Conqueror will appear.
13. Will rule for less than 40 years and his son will sit on the throne in front of his eyes.
14. There will be unrest and discord in his time and the country will be in bad conditions. Availability of Food will be surprising.
15. When the world will be like this, the people will be extremely worried. The Jupiter will be like a flame thrower
16. He will rule for 20 years till the youngest of his sons will appear.
17. His powerful voice will fill the world. He will take care of the people.
18. Then the God will show his decision. Know that his name will be Muazam(Bahadur Shah Muazam ruled from 1707-1712.). He will appear on the scene.
19. During his time, the people will be united, peace shall be everywhere. He will be like an ointment to the wounds of the land.
20. He will rule for few years then pass away. His son will become King.

21. With his arrival, there will come balance. Unhappiness and jealousy will fade away. There will be happiness everywhere.
22. Then will come an extremely powerful king called Muhammad(Muhammad Shah ruled India from 1719-1740)will come to India and become ruler.
23. The time of Muhammad's Kingship is 21 years. Then will come a ruler of the rulers.
24. Nadir Shah will occupy the Throne of India by force. Mass killings of Delhi's population will occur.

25. When the ruler of India will about to leave this world to continue his journey forward, his family will be in problems.
26. Then will come mighty Ahmad the King. He will rule India and people will obey his orders.

27. When Akbar will be the King, there will appear a Saint.
28. His name would be NANAK. Populace will give attention to him. This powerful Fakir [seer] will become famous.
29. He will be famous in Punjab and Sikh nation will be among his followers. He will be the spiritual leader of this nation.
30. The Sikh Nation will be cruel towards Muslims and this cruelty and innovation will appear in 40 years.

31. Then The Christians [English] will occupy India. Their order will be obeyed there for about 100 years.
32. When the cruelty and one-sidedness will reach its highest point, the Christians will harm the religion.
33. The Christians [English] will be involved in a war with Germany. The sign of destruction and chaos will appear.
 34. The Christians (England) will win the war against Germany but the war will weaken their system of rule.

35. The Christians will leave the India but before doing so, they will sow the life-taking discord among the populace.
36. India will be divided into two countries and for this reason the blood of humans will run. Destruction and anarchy will rule beyond imagination.

39. The banner of Islam will be the prominent for 23 years. Then divine punishment will come upon them.
40. Their own land will become narrow for them. Destruction and anarchy will become their destiny.
41. After their destruction. Allah will send blessings, victory and help from neighbors.
42. An army of Mongols  will come from North to help. Iran and Turkey will help too

43. This help will appear after the Pilgrimage. When Allah will send the divine help from unknown.
44. Divine help will turn the defeat into a victory. I am seeing all this with deep understanding. That Muslims will be the victor and successful.
45. When these predictions were made, it was the year 570 Hijra. So the God wills and will appear in the same manner.

46. When the cruelty and crime will be spread in his era, there will come a King of the west. He will be the real good administrator.

47. This Sword of the Lion of Ali (Sher-e-Ali or Sher-Ali) will wipe off the deniers. He will be the supporter of the religion of Muhammad S.A.W. He will be the protector of the country.
48. There will be a great war in between him and the other. No doubt a large population will be killed.
49. The King of the western Part will be the victor on the basis of his weaponry. The defeat of the denier nation will be beyond anyone's imagination.(31)
50. Islam will rule in India for 40 Years, then will come the anti-Christ [Dajjal] from the city of Asfahan.
51. Listen Carefully, I explain to you that to destroy this anti-Christ [Dajjal] Isa (Yesu / Jesus) will come and Imam [leader] of Last Era, Mahdi, will appear.

52. Naimat-ullah Shah is aware of the secrets of the unseen therefore Indeed what he's saying will appear in this world, universe and in that era.

53. I am looking at the power of the God (or 'destiny'); I am looking at the condition of the world.
54. I am not saying this out of the knowledge of Astrology, but looking at it with the grace of Allah.
55. In Khurasan [Iran], Egypt, and Syria And in Iraq, seeing the evil of war.
56. All of them will be in poor condition. Although one in the Thousand, I am looking at.
57. Listening to a strange story, watching a city in great chaos.
58. Murder, destruction and countless army, left & right, I am looking at.
59. Lowest [mean] of the people in knowledgeable and expert works, I See
60. Religion is very week, bad habit of pride, I See

61. Friends from every nation, in bad situation and are mourning
62. Rise and fall, appointment of Governors, two times, I see
63. Turks and Tajiks are the enemies of each other, I see
64. Lies, fraud and deceit everywhere, in elders and in young generation, I see
65. The value of good deeds is very very low. Flames at one place, I see
66. If today there is any peace, only in the mountains, I see
67. Although I am watching all this but am not worried. The joys ahead, I see
68. After this year, and some other years, I look at the world as in a movie theater.
69. A wise King as an honorable leader, I see.

70. This year is not like the others. I am not seeing like someone see in aware state.
71. When the year "GHA" [Alphabet] and the ''RA" [Alphabet] will pass in years, I see a strange business  (event).( Referring to a system in 'Jar' (a knowledge of Alphabets and Numerology) in which Alphabets are  assigned to years or the attributes of a certain alphabet commands a certain year.)
72. Dust & Rust on the mirror of self (hearts) of the people of this world, I see
73. Darkness of unbound and unlimited cruelty spreading through the Cruel of the cities, I see.
74. Sorrowful war and living Evil, in the middle and at the sides, I see.
75. Slave will be the Master and the Masters will become slaves, I see.
76. This year the friend will be in trouble, his heart filled with sorrows, I see
77. At the face of Gold, there will be a new stamp. His "dirham" [currency] will be pure, I see.
78. All the rulers of the world are fighting with each other, I see.
79. The face of moon is dark, the heart of the Sun bleeding, I see.
80. Merchants in far off jungles, without companions and tired, I see.

81. Hindu nation in poor conditions, I see. The cruelty of Turks and Tatars, I see.
82. Some trees of the garden of the world, without spring, without fruit, I see.
83. Then helping others and contentment, staying in seclusion is the best, I see
84. 0 the one who is addressed, don't worry because in this trouble, the joy of meeting the FRIEND, I See.
85. When winter without fruits will pass, then shiny spring will come, I see.
86. When his [Friend's] era will pass, his son as his souvenir, I see.(The 'friend' referred here can be Prophet Isa (A.S.) or Muhammad Mahdi R.A. -And Allah Knows Best)
87. The companions of this highly honored one shall be owners of crown [or living like Kings], I See.
88. The kings of all? realms will reach the heights of their rise, I see.
89. His Works, his features, his knowledge and kindness, his wisdom and understanding will be same as the Prophet, I see.(Definitely a reference to Muhammad Mahdi R.A.)
90. His White hand with Brightness and in it a Sword, I See.
91. Fragrance coming out of the gardens of Prophet's way, I smell, the flower of the religion in bloom, I See.
92. 0 my Brother, this Rider's rule for 40 years, I see.
93. Disobedient people embarrassed and ashamed, in front of this pious Imam [leader], I see
94. He will be the "Ghazi", keeper of friendships, and destroyer of the enemies. The kind, friendly and humane, I see.
95. Beauty of the Way of the prophet and spread of Islam, strong and stable, I See.
96. The treasures of the Persian Kings and the Wealth of Alexander, being consumed in good works, I see.
97. He himself will be the Imam (Leader) and World will be on one axis (center).
98. Meem, Ha, Meem, Dal (Muhammad), his name shall be, this I see and read.
99. Because of him, the religion and the world will be filled and joyful, Lucky are the people, I see.
100. Mehdi of the time and Isa [Yesu/Yeshua/Jesus] of era, both are royal riders, I see.
101. World as a city, I see, personality as strong as Castle, I see.
102. My Sultan will have 7 Ministers, all of them will be successful, I see.
103. Refreshing drinks in the hands of the serving ones, I see.
104. The Steel swords of Rusty hearts, useless and scrap, I see

105. Sheep with the Wolf and Deer with the Lion, staying in the same place,(38) I see.
106. The clever Turk in ecstasy, I see. His enemy is drunk, I see
107. Naimat Shah, Sitting alone, is seeing all this.



Monday, 9 July 2012

Islamic Dress Code -- Why Does She Dress Like That?

Here is an inspiring experience of a converted woman about dress code.
Hope you will be enlightened.

by WordsAplenty

So many people see a Muslim woman dressed in head to toe and think, "Oppressed! He's forcing her to dress like that." "He" refers, of course, to her dictator of a husband. After all, no woman would shun mini skirts, tank tops, and shorts of her own free will. No thinking woman would wear long sleeves and pants in the heat of summer. If a woman is dressed like that she is obviously either brainwashed or beaten. Right?
Wrong. I am an American, born and raised in a free country. Growing up, I was encouraged to wear make-up and dress provocatively. I was always told, "If you've got it, flaunt it." So, I flaunted it.
Then, I grew up and starting questioning life, religion, and morals. Though my husband introduced me to Islam and Muslims, he didn't force me to accept either. I became a Muslim on my own accord. I chose to dress conservatively.

Qur'an Advises ModestyIf you ask a Muslim woman why she dresses the way she does, the answer will often be, "Because Allah told me to." She isn't trying to be flip; she's trying to follow her religion. The Koran advises men and women to "lower your gaze and guard your modesty." Both men and women are given explicit instructions about the parts of the body that should be covered in mixed company. The way they interpret those instructions varies greatly. Some women wear a heavy cloak-like garment that only reveals their eyes (niqab). Other women wear tent-like coverings over their clothes and a scarf (hijab) on their heads. Still others wear the hijab over conservative Western wear. For me, conservative looks like this:

Long sleeve shirts extending at least to mid-thigh.
Long, loose pants.
Long, loose skirts extending to the ankle.
Long, loose dresses extending to the ankle.
No low necklines.
No see-through materials.
No clingy materials.
Little to no make-up.
Neatly groomed hair.
There are Muslims who would say that my dress is not conservative enough. Many would say that my hair should be covered. Some say that pants are forbidden (haram) for a Muslim woman. I feel that my clothes conceal my figure and that they do meet the requirements. Now, I am not a scholar and I am not trying to issue a religious ruling (fatwa). If I am wrong, may Allah forgive me and guide me.
Modern Reasons for ModestyAlthough many Muslim women simply accept the rules at face value, I am a bit more hard-headed than a born Muslim. I have already changed my religion before-- I don't accept things blindly. So, I look to more real-life, modern reasons for the things I do. Here are some reasons to dress conservatively:

People look at you, not your breasts, bottom, or legs.
People judge you based on your opinions or personality, not your shape.
Men do not usually hit on a conservatively dressed woman.
People actually listen when you speak.
Most people treat you with respect.
You save your sensuality and beauty for the one who truly matters -- your husband.
There are also benefits for the family and for society. I will address those in another blog.
The next time you see a covered woman, try to think of her in a new way. Avoid the temptation to assume that she is oppressed by a tyrannical religion. Consider the possibility that she is an intelligent, thinking woman who has made a conscious decision to dress like that.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Smell Of Death

Along the graveyard as I walk
Trying to hear what cannot be heard
Distinct thoughts striking my head
I see the obvious thing there
Have to go leaving riches and rags here
A white clean unbiased dress to wear;
The smell of death in the yard as I smell
Where infinite silences always dwell.

Satan as he said will astray us
From the path of the beloved,
Will flung us away from the heaven bus;
And What will become of us in crowd
Standing before the Lord ;
We will shiver from the fear of thee
With our accounts run free;
Death as I said is a sweat dream for a flower
and a boiling dungeon for a thorn;
The world will give a spark
As our desires show,
Will make our plight more dark,
So beware
As none will be spared in a row.

The day the smell of death remains in your soul satan is a distant dream.         .....Aamer Sha.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

I'll give a try.

For I will give a try, a try to make you feel what a feeling today made me felt

This is out of any language know, out of anything you know and out of anything you had known

Today I walked along the way, the way to nothingness, the way of none meaning

And while getting through the minds busy catching the green paper I felt and saw darkness covered by glittering light, light that grabbed peoples heart, people who don’t know the road, road they plying on. Forgetting the signs showed to the people of old. Yet the thirst not quenching.

I saw the hollowness and every glitter grew pale and the light, the serene and absolute one rose up in my soul and made me see the truth, the truth that hides behind the markets, the truth that lies beneath the palaces of gold, the truth that hovers around the sparkling coins, the truth that you make flat with the wheels of the cart, the truth that is inside everything known.

But never do you get the clock to see the truth, for your hours are spend walking hand in hand along the lane making adultery with hands and eyes, with nose and ears and in the progress sooting your soul black.

You can’t see the truth till you make the will, the will of following the beloved (saw). For that will you will have to cover your hollow body, body of clay and water with shivering souls, the shivering souls that know your fate, the fate that can be changed by prostrating yourself before HIM, for HIS case HE is Almighty ready to forgive and waiting for you, waiting for you to see the truth, the truth that is behind you

And go to the graves, the graves that speak so loud, the speak they make makes us know to go there with empty hands.

But this world, the world that will come to you after every second offering you to buy the glitters, the glitters that I saw were dark and hollow.

So call your mind, the mind that will give a thought, a thought that will, that will take you out, out there where this world will remain a baffled thing. So give it a thought for what you do, for what you have had done and for what you will do.

And I tried, I tried in the language known and leave it to the search for the truth.

…..Aamer Sha