Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Rape! Why?

I remember the heinous Delhi Gang Rape and the following nationwide agitation. And also as i remember there was a girl in clinging clothes flaunting a poster with words written on it:"Don't teach me what to wear but tell you son not to look at me with lusty eyes." I wish I could tell her that she was also responsible for every other rape happening around.

Note: I would like the readers to not to jump any conclusion while in the midst of reading. It may seem biased and controversial. Read it fully and i hope everything will look crystal clear.

If one goes by the latest statistics of National Crime Records Bureau(NCRB), every day 93 women are being raped in the country.

So many debates are being held and national dailies filled with articles on this subject. But none of them gives a satisfactory reason of why rape rate continues to increase and What should be done. A reason for this is that our minds are conquered by western (modern ideas) and we cannot think apart from them. We look at this subject from a narrow perspective and forget that every coin has other side also. The writers seem to have lost their conservative traditional teachings. And we soon will be having protesters against rapes in bikinis and may be a year later nude ones in this country. Though its already a part of of Feminist Movement in West.

Okay! That was enough for the introduction. Men and Women, share similarities as well as differences. But this doesn't mean that one is superior than the other. Men have certain rights over women and women also have certain rights over men. Both are born under similar circumstances. And there is a gift of modesty given to every born one by HIM which becomes quite obvious when they reach life stage of adolescence. Each sex gives full attention to their respective bodies and there is a natural tendency to cover their private parts. As happened at the time of Adam and Eve after they were lured by the serpent and it happens in modern times too. But there is a difference now. Modesty turns towards indecency. How is that happening? Modern parents want their children to wear fancy and scanty clothes. Now as they continue to wear them and pass the puberty in that age they no longer feel ashamed of short dresses and consider it normal. The gift of modesty that was given vanishes.

Other cause follows. Many people consider watching Television as forbidden. But I don't agree. The fact is What we watch is definitely forbidden. Movies and TV series, after watching them "CHILDREN ARE NO LONGER INNOCENT." So called comedy family TV shows where you have to laugh at silly adult jokes in front of your children. What do you expect? Then comes something which  has gripped the whole world, PORNOGRAPHY. It started with nude paintings in French and Roman Empire. And It forms one of the subject matter of Painting. I am myself an amateur artist but never ventured in such aspects of painting. Then porn started to spread via Media Cassettes, Television, Magazines and now internet. All the rapists are definitely Porn watchers. I read a lot of articles about porn addicts where they disclose that watching porn is fueled by the sight of opposite sex in clinging scanty clothes or by watching so called respected clean celebrities on Television/Internet. And according to them there is a high tendency to fall in the shameful act of rape after watching this dirt and filth. By the way whats the difference between actresses and porn-stars? Nothing much! Onscreen, former doing it openly and latter stealthily.

Don't forget the drugs and alcohol. I remember it pointed out in a survey that almost every rapist is an alcoholic. Also late marriages in our society add fuel to the problem. Islam encourages young men and women to marry early. Hence it comes as no surprise when we hear or read that most if not all of these crimes occur in societies which are looked up to by people as refinement, modernity and civilization.

 What to do now?

Following are some verses from the Holy Qur'an. Many of you might have gone through these verse dozen times. Yeah! they are posted on Facebook and other messenger networks. And T-Shirts also. But you didn't realize that the whole thing that i said before revolves around these verses and SOLUTION too.        

  • Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.( 24:30)

  • And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; .....and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers! Turn ye all together towards Allah, that ye may attain Bliss.(24 31)

  • O prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, And the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons(when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known( As such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (33:59)

Its not men in 99.9% cases who get molested and raped.  The duty of men has been emphasized in terms of lowering their gaze and restrain themselves whether a fully covered women is in-front of them or she is dressed indecently. If the Man here is successful in restraining fault lies entirely over woman of here attitude to lure men.

Now comes the role women. She has to cover herself fully according to some instruction as given in Qur'an and Sunnah which is summarized as covering the whole body with a dress that is loose, doesn't reveal body structure, is not transparent and doesn't resemble of opposite sex. She has to do it in any circumstance and hence the chances of getting molested are negligible. Still unfortunately if a pervert couldn't find any other means to satisfy his lust and devours on an innocent soul then fault lies entirely on that Man. And has to be strictly punished accordingly, which is stoning if the perpetrator is married, and one hundred lashes and banishment for one year if not married.

Regarding to dress code, i shall further write. In my place where i live, what seems to be a growing trend is what i must rightly call : "Hybrids". Women are covering their head and whats follows next are typical tight jeans/pants. I remember in school days we used to call it:"Upar se Q-TV aur neechay se MTV." I think its like a man having trimmed beard so that he can both enjoy a movie in a theater as well as attend a religious sermon.What the word "HIJAB" is to them is like covering only the head, let the rest of the body go to hell. No! its absolutely absurd. "HIJAB" means to cover the whole body.

I must add here, the biased media always tries to criticize the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia for its strict rules which prohibit both free mixing of men and women as well as don't allow women to wear nonsense clothing. And its the only country in the world with negligible cases of molestation and rapes. Similar trends are seen in countries like Indonesia.
One study in Turkey found that 33% of police officers agreed with the assertion that "some women deserve rape" and 66% agreed that "the physical appearance and behaviors of women tempt men to rape."

But believe me there is no other solution. Lord has commanded us to act like this in this worldly setup because he knows us better than what we know about ourselves. Take a break from this modernity, release your brain from materialism and obviously think harder. Aren't we all responsible for this nuisance?

Now it should be clear that that there are several processes in turning men into rapist and the solution is even harder in this 21st century where people would call you a person with lost sanity if you tell a man to lower a his gaze. And if you suggest a women to mend her way of dressing. Either you will get tight slap or booked under feminist laws.

Verily, truth is Unpalatable!