May LORD bless us all.
So lets begin in the name of God. The first n foremost thing that im going to start will be by asking a question, "what are we upto?" Now this question will definitely confuse u n u may develop certain thoughts n before ur mind generates any unrelevent thought i would like to convey u that i m talking about our unislamic conduct in so called modernity and the things that even more complicate things n make us to follow the current worldly/illusiomary system.
Wait..before i begin, those who rnt interested please do close the window and instead watch the latest music video on u tube n others do check what their fav celebs r doing right now...sorry guys, im being forced to let my mouth speak out like that bcoz the intensity through which we have become slaves of the system cannot be described. So here we get started...
Its been a common damn thing of watchin the idiot box TV...WAIT WAIT WAIT i am not against it but i am against what we watch on it. Hope u all understand. The system that i was talking about control most of the media and they are feeding u with everything from vulgarity to pre planned events. Children at such tender stage are shown things which activates their sexuality at youger age. I m amazed at the human behaviour like e.g we watch these helish things along with them and then when these poor children do what they have been spooned, its we who call them indecents n obsbene creatures.
SoWHAT EVER we r shown is completely controlled, this is the machinary of the Devil/lucifier so that the spirit of islam dies in our soul.So switch them off and experience a feeling of everlasting peace in ur mind. FREE ur mind. The person who is telling u this has not even glanced at it since 3 months. Complete ban is not possible in one give a thought for what u see...continued
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